
Friday, October 11, 2013

Zambia bound

I want to share with you parts of two letters I received from Bruce and John at CMML in Zambia.  If you do not remember CMML, it is the mission in Africa that I’ve gone to help twice with maintenance issues. 
Bruce writes:

Dear Tim, Mike and Josh 
I am writing to check out if there is any possibility of MMS helping us while I am in Canada and John is on his own in Zambia. 

John has so much to do with me away and Joseph has not worked since June 1st.   (He may at some point subcontract his services but so far has not done so)  So John is doing all the flying, accounts, guest house work and maintenance and many other things.  Thankfully he has had his son Nathan who came out in June for a year to help him.  Nathan is an aircraft mechanic but does not have much experience.   So Nathan and James (our helper) do a lot of the work with John supervising and helping where/ when he can.

It would be great if someone(s) could come out and help supervise/ train and work with Nathan and James and help with the maintenance work.  

Our tools/ equipment also need a far bit of sorting out.  We were wanting to build a tool kit on wheels, an “A Frame”  and then put all our tools on it and shadow paint them on so we can know if any are missing and all is accessible and organized.  It would be a lockable unit who’s doors could come off.  We have a sample made of card board we were wanting to make.

Also as Joseph has only been working part time for the last number of years and has poor health meaning we get less and less out of him so our parts department has been neglected!  We do not really know what all we have or should have on stock to keep our planes in the air
Would you have 2 people who could come out for up to 3 months (you need to have a work permit if coming more than 3 months) that would be able to take on these two tasks and help us?

This would allow John to work on the accounts and other paperwork he is getting behind on and do the flying and know proper supervision and progress is happening. 

I look forward to hearing from you.


John adds:

“I just thought I would add 2 cents worth to what Bruce has written.

I think it was Mike or someone had mentioned it to me that perhaps it would be good for someone to come out for a few months, just to get that “on the field” experience.  It would be a great opportunity, not only to work in a hangar on the mission field, but also working with the local people, as a real missionary!  It would be good for the whole family (if he is married) to experience life on the mission field, if perhaps they may be having some doubts, that the Lord is calling them to a foreign mission field.  It would be great for his wife (if married) to also experience life in a foreign country, and not just the mechanic going on a Rapid Response.  I could use a Rapid Response help in my office!!!  There are several other opportunities for her to work in, such as working with the local women and girls, helping with the Christian book room, guest house and flight bookings, etc…

As Bruce has mentioned, Joseph (our chief engineer) has retired, and Bruce is on furlough until next spring.  So at the moment, my position is: Acting Director, Chief Engineer, Operations Manager, Chief Pilot, Flight Training and Safety Officer, IT Technician, Guest House Manager, Chief Accountant, Flight Scheduling Supervisor, as well as looking after several bee hives and over 200 chickens!  This is for the birds!!

Besides all that, I try to find time to teach a Bible study class, do village evangelism, and preach in church.

Since Joseph has quit working, there has been a big void in the maintenance department.  I am trying to fill in, but I’m only able to do the bare minimum.  And this is not a safe situation!  I am happy to at least have my son Nathan here to help as an A & P mechanic.  Nathan completed his A & P training at Moody in 2011, but as Bruce has mentioned, Nathan is lacking the experience necessary.  He really could use someone with experience to help train and oversee his work.

I feel there is a lack of maintenance organization.  It is difficult trying to find the things I am looking for, such as tools, parts, and maintenance documents.  I think it would be a great experience and a big help to us (Mission Flight Services) for someone with experience and good organizational skills, to come out and help put our maintenance department back in order, and to relieve the work load and stress that I am feeling.

Please prayerfully consider it, and pray for us here in Zambia.

Many thanks and may God bless!
John Loudon
Kristi the kids and I have prayed over this, we have talked to MMS, to Bruce and John and we all agree that our family would be a perfect fit for this opportunity.  So we have committed to raising the money and making our way to Zambia as soon as the funds are raised.  I have no idea how much money we will need yet but there will be airfare, visa’s, shots, insurance, traveling expenses, 3 months of living expenses plus some outfitting expenses as well. 

We ask that you would pray for us, for the needed  finances, for good health, especially Kristi’s back, clarity in thinking and planning and how you can join with us in this adventure. 

Keep checking back as we updated with new information and a clearer idea of our hurdles.

Thank you, Josh, Kristi and kids

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