
Friday, May 7, 2010

Pig Plot

Life continues as usual here on the farm, spring planting is well under way. Just so you don't think I'm into child slave labor, I was pulling the "rake" also when I stopped to take this picture. We are trying an experiment this summer on a piece of our property. We are planting a food plot for a pig or two with the idea that seed is cheaper than feed. We're planting field corn, mangols, canola, pumpkins, sunflowers, sweet corn, squash and anything else we have left over from the seed packs. Come July or so we will turn the piglets onto the field slowly expanding their fence over the food plot as the grow.
Here you can see our meat chickens free ranging inside their move able pin. We move the pin every three days to give them fresh pasture. If you look closely you might see our turkeys as well.

And in closing Terry and I have been working on repairing the MMS forklift. Terry is our newest staff member. Her retired from his previous job and has decided to spend his retirement volunteering at MMS.

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