
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Missionary Flights International

Paul Gettle and I have teamed up again on another rapid response trip, this time to MFI in Florida.
Missionary Flights International flies in support of missionaries in the Caribbean and Haiti. My last trip to MFI was right after the earth quake that devastated Haiti so badly. This time We are helping to get one of the radial DC-3's ready for sale. There are 3 main areas of corrosion.
The first is inside the left forward fuel tank bay area. I have been working on removing the corrosion in that area but it took a team of 4 people to open the floor inside the plane and remove the fuel tanks.
The rear vertical stabilizer has been removed to work on some corrosion in that area and the last is above the cargo door. I think that there are at least 6 different people working on the plane right now all working in different areas. The plane has a buyer lined up and we are just trying to take care of the concerns the next owner has.

Please pray about the work that is going on here and please remember to pray for Kristi and the kids. Kristi's back is still very sore. Thanks, Josh