The Air Calvary 207 made a nice step forward this week. We have completed enough of the repairs that kept us from reinstalling the engine and nose gear. As you can see we've started putting the front all back together. Paul has already finished the nose gear install and it is all signed off. He has moved up to the right hand side of the engine and is helping me with all the wires.
This is the exact same project that Paul and I will be doing for CMML in Zambia so this has been an excellent opportunity to familiarize our selfs with the work and plane. So expect more of the same in the coming month, pictures wise.
Did you see the map above of CMML's location. The hangar is located midway on the runway.
After being escorted from the cub scout side of the bridge to the boy scout side Noah was welcomed into the troop. They removed his cub scout colors and replaced them with the troops. He was also charged with being an asset to the troop and a leader to those younger than him.
Just recently Luke's scout group toured the local airport. The highlight was this flying "chain saw". The chopper in the back ground carries the saw and flies up and down the power lines trimming trees. It is quite an impressive sight.
Thanks for visiting, Josh
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