As I write this, our family is on our way to Columbus to finalize the last of our paperwork for our visa application. We will be turning it in this week. It has been an eventful summer. We turned in an application for a missionary visa at the end of July. After 2 months of frustration trying to figure out what was going on with our application, we traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with the Brazilian Consular. She gave us back our application and told us we didn’t have all the necessary documents to apply for their missionary visa and would have to apply for the religious volunteer worker visa. Since this one had different documents required, we have been scrambling to get them all together and in order. Our biggest hindrance has been communication with the Brazilian Embassy in D.C. to have questions answered.
One thing we continue to learn is that everything happens in God’s timing. He will get us there exactly when he wants us to. We have needed this time to continue to raise support. Close to 90% of our monthly support is pledged! We have learned that it is very important to go with 100% as the dollar is not as strong in Brazil right now. God has also been supplying the extra expenses that are needed to get to Brazil and get settled. We have enough money in our Start Up account to pay for our plane tickets and our visa applications (which is a whopping $1200). We still need the money to pay for our container, language school and start up expenses when we enter the country. Thank you to ALL who have given or support us monthly. We are excited and anxious to get to Brazil and get started!
If you are interested in giving a gift to our start up expenses or pledging to support us monthly, please send all those tax-deductible donations to Interlink Ministries whose address in the left margin. Please put our name in the memo portion of the check.
Meanwhile, Josh is still working in the hanger on the floats for the 185 airplane serving in Canada. You are still welcome to come for a tour of the hanger and see this side of missions. We love to have visitors!
In His service, Josh & Kristi
The new blog looks great. Blogger is an easy tool, no? Sorry to hear the visa has been a hassle. If I recall, doesn't the volunteer's visa have a few pro's and con's over the missionary visa?