A little about GCI, this next section in bold was taken off of GCI's web site which you visit by clicking here.
Gospel Carrier International, Inc. (GCI) was pioneered by Rev. Williams Cheng. While attending Moody Bible Institute’s Aviation Ministry Training, Rev. Cheng flew to many distant towns and cities in the United States. During this time, the Lord impressed upon him the spiritual needs of the overseas Chinese he met living there. In response, Rev. Cheng established GCI in 1993 after many years of prayer and preparation and under a combined effort of support and encouragement. Support was rendered by Rev. Philip Teng, Dr. Philip Man, and Dr. Dick Hillis (who had ministered to the Chinese for 40 years while serving in the China Inland Mission, Overseas Missionary Fellowship, and Overseas Crusade). Since its establishment, GCI's vision has been shared by many, and the Lord has blessed GCI with gifted ministers and talented volunteer co-workers. Among those who have contributed significantly are Mr. Roy Chiao, Rev. John Fung, Rev. Johnny Wang, and Mr. T. S. Yip
GCI also allows training to be conducted on its plane by MMS giving us valuable experience on turbine engines, pressurized aircraft and complex aircraft systems. And that experience is then taken all over the world by MMS's graduates.
Thanks for visiting, check in soon for a post on Campaganza!
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